For the third year in a row, we’ve won the Inavero Best Of Staffing Client and Talent Awards.
We’re obviously thrilled by the news, because these awards are based completely on the ratings given by our clients and the permanent and temporary employees that we’ve placed with our clients. It’s really a report card on how we do business.
So here are the hard numbers: We received satisfaction scores of 9 or 10 out of 10 from 74 percent of our clients and 75 percent of our candidates, both significantly higher than the staffing industry averages. The industry average for such high client satisfaction scores is 32 percent; on the candidate side, the average is 45 percent.
Those numbers make us feel both honored and humbled. We work hard every day of the year to provide the best service we can to our clients and to our candidates, and it’s very rewarding to learn that our work is appreciated.
Just as we’ve done the last two years, we’re going to relish the honor that accompanies these awards. For a couple of minutes.
Then we’re going right back to work finding the right fit between our clients and candidates. That’s our passion, and we’re not the type of people who enjoy sitting around looking at awards.
But if you would like to see what we’ve accomplished, just click here to see what we've accomplished. And contact us if you need a great IT consultant or if you want to put your skills to work for a great client.
We’re among the best in the business, after all. For the third year in a row.